I love this piece by Richard Phillips titled "Spectrum" also have to love how this just happened to appear on my guilty pleasure Gossip Girl last night. I would kill to merely SEE this piece.
So I am completely guilty of being obsessed with Gossip Girl. Last weeks debut of Serena taking her throne as Queen S had me on the edge, all hail the Queen...Cant wait for tomorrow. Xoxo.
Not since Jackie Kennedy has the campaign trail seen such a focus on fashion. The buzz created from Sarah Palin's Kazuo Kawasaki's eye wear alone is astounding.
One thing is clear: whether it be McCain/Palin or Obama/Biden in the White House come this January... the ladies will be looking stunning.
My friend Lauren Leonard started her own fashion line this time last year and I am happy to report is doing very well. I helped her as a fit model and therefore reek the benefits of some free goods, thank you Lauren! Check out her stuff, http://leonacollection.com/
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/09/24/washington/24lakes.html?_r=1&ref=us&oref=slogin Sometimes good things DO happen on the Hill. Tuesday the House voted on a bill to permanently protect the waters of the Great Lakes. If anyone has witnessed the nearly untouched beauty of these lakes you would understand why. Way to go Congress!
Heres of pic of my brother, Tucker and I boating on Lake Superior...
With this being my first post, it is seemingly appropriate to begin with a touch of the season. This was taken this past weekend as I set out hiking with my roommate (though hiking in Alabama isnt too satisfying due to the fact that there are no mountains...)
While it will most likely be 90 degrees here well into November, it seems nature does take its course here in the South. Shocker.
Ending my long day with much needed Jon Stewart and downloading the many FABULOUS tunes that came out today...Kings of Leon, TV on the Radio, Cold War Kids...and my personal fave, Thievery Corporation- check out thier new cd http://www.thieverycorporation.com/.
Native Washingtonian. Style Chaser. Writer. Art Enthusiast. Minimalist.Aspiring Shop Owner. If you have any comments or suggestions, please email me; jaculberson@gmail.com