Here is a recap of all the fun that occurred last night(certainly followed by many hangovers this morning)
The BIG tickets included the:
Creative Coalition Ball, the A-List ball that boasted the largest number of celebs and also which was the also the most expensive (yet sold out) events of the evening which included the likes of Anne Hathaway, Ron Howard, Magic Johnson, Scarlett Johansson, Tim Daly, Edward Norton, Spike Lee, Kerry Washington, Kim Raver, Elvis Costello, Susan Sarandon, Sting and Samuel L. Jackson.
Inaugural Youth Ball, where Kanye West preformed. The ball was reportedly a giant "prom-like" event filled with 18-35 year olds. Nearly 2,000 people packed the event, where along with West, Sharika and Fall Out Boy preformed and celebrities like Demi Moore, Aston Kutcher, and Usher attended.
2009 Green Inuagural Ball, quite obviously Al Gore was in attendance along with, Will i. Am, John Cusack and John Legend.
The Recording Industry Association of America Ball, headlined by Rihanna, which according to Anne Schroder Mullins of Politico became, "one of the best inauguration parties in town, hands down." The room was filled with the likes of, Courteney Cox, David Arquette, Leo DiCaprio, Russell Simons and Cher (which I find very random) also someone began referring to DC as the "new L.A." hmm...I don't know about that one...